Friday, November 20, 2009

Fresh Start

After our discussion in class today, I've come to the conclusion that I really need to get it together. As I sat there listening to all these fascinating new things in media, I realized I had never heard of any of them. Granted, I'm not a huge news follower, unless you count celebrity gossip. Even after the discussion on google wave, I honestly just still don't get it. I'm not a huge fan of change, so all these new media happenings just aren't totally my thing. I like having my little cell phone which I am so used to and know how to use inside and out. I like the original facebook layout which I was so comfortable and familiar with, but then they had to go an change is 7 million times.

I have to admit, I am intriged my the iphone, but scared at the same time. I'm scared about a couple things: 1. I'm scared that if I get one, I will have no idea how to learn how to use it, and end up just looking so ridiclious and not doing it justice. And 2. that if I do get one, that it will quickly become outdated and something newer, better, and easier will come along and be all the rage. I realize this is always a risk in new media because of the new inventions and discoveries in technology.

Today I am turning over a new leaf in media I decided. As of today I want to promise myself that I will keep myself more in touch and up to date with what is going on in media. I will no longer have a baffeled look on my face when I hear about the latest invention. Instead, I will be able to join in and contribute to that conversation. And hopefully, I will do so with an iphone in my hand!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"On the phone with this fat chick... where my IHOP."

"On the phone with this fat chick... where my IHOP." Who would have thought that this sentence, or status update rather, would have changed someone's life.

This article, which I found on, had one of the most compelling titles, that I just had to read it. It read, "Facebook status update provides alibi." To sum up the article, there was this Facebook status update one night, and about a minute later, across town, a robbery took place in New York City. That same guy who posted that status found out that the police were looking for him in connection to the robbery. Confident that he was innocent, he turned himself into police. However, he was picked out of a lineup and was going to be charged with the robbery. Turns out, that status update was enough proof of an alibi, and the charges were dropped. The DA contacted Facebook and confirmed that the update had come from the boys home, and that there was no way that he could have committed the robbery.

I'm sorry, but seriously? I know that Facebook has become a huge part of our lives, and has been able to change and update so many things, but to provide an alibi, who saw that coming?

Friday, November 6, 2009

I miss Rihanna and Chris Brown

I'm sorry but I am still sad about Rihanna and Chris Brown. I thought they were such a cute couple, before he went and beat her. I remember reading that and thinking, there is no way that it's true, and that he actually hit, and bite her. I didn't even know people still bite each other. I thought that was something that I did to my brother when I was like 4 years old. In her interview with Diane Sawyer, she still talks about Chris and says that she doesn't hate him. How can she say that, he beat her and then go back to him and say she still loves her.

Image: Rihanna, Diane Sawyer