Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Taking a Break

As I sit in the library studying for our new media final tomorrow, I needed to take a break. Right now, I am justifying this by telling myself this is better than stopping to go on Faceboook. This is at least a little bit productive. I'm also secretly hoping that if my teacher is reading this and feeling compassionate to the students who are on campus looking miserable, that she will possibly grade this because if I counted correctly, I'm one blog behind. If not, it was worth a try. As the semester unwinds, I feel very confident leaving this class, knowing that I learned a great deal. I'm just hoping that it is reflected in my final tomorrow, haha. But seriously, this course was one where throughout the semester I never asked myself why I was learning this, or when was I ever going to use this information, as I so often do in all of my other classes. This was the most real life class I have taken and I'm very glad I decided to do so. I'm also really proud of myself for what I was able to accomplish. If you had told me at the beginning of this course that I was going to be able to keep my own blog, and update pictures, and actively contribute to our own Wiki, and add and edit hyperlinks; I would have told you that you were seriously nutty. Well, my time limit on my break is up, so that is all.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Jersey Shore Show

On MTV there is a show called the Jersey Shore. It is about a group of random people that consider themselves hard core no joke "Guido's" The guys even discussed writing the guido handbooK in the first two hour episode. The show is helarious. Living at the Jersey shore during the summer, in Wildwood myself, I can completely relate to the type of rediculous behavior this show portrays. The outrageous enthusiastic guido personality is bizare to most, who constantly love to laugh at their attitude. If you ever see the you tube video "new haircut"?... that is the type of people that were brought to the Jersey shore to live together in an ideal house located at the wild and crazy Seaside Jersey shore. The Guido way of life consists of being an Italian and loving it, having a daily trip to the tanning salon or even having one in your house, a new haircut, serious hair gel, a rock hard bod which includes daily trips to the gym and SERIOUS FIST PUMPING and more. This show illustrates all of these qualities at the Jersey SHore and more so get tuned in and learn how to be a guido or just laugh at the rediculous behavior. Getting rediculously drunk and spending time at the Jersey Shore is a thrill that most people do not understand. The common stereotypical discription of New Jersey as the arm pit of America has a whole new meaning in this show. The Jersey shore is truely the most fun a person can have because of the rediculous outrageously wild people that the Jersey shore attracts. Its a carefree lifestyle that guarentees fun. so don't judge till you experience it yourself. Watch the show and then go visit THIS SUMMER thats my advice find some guidos if your interested? !!! LIVE IT LOVE IT !! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!... ITS AN EXPERIENCE THAT CANNOT BE FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE! SEE YOU THIS SUMMER!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Bad Girls Club

There is a show on oxygen network about girls who behave naughty. The TV show travels the United States looking for the most outrageous party animals they can find. They bring the top seven "bad girls" to LA and let them live for free and party and a nice house. I have witnessed girls in the episodes wake up and immediately chug a bottle of vodka or violently punch and throw things at eachother. The usual day for each of the girls in the episode is to wake up, do something intentially evil or kniving to one of this roommates, then excessively drink, and go home and fight about the earlier that day or about their drunk night. Sometimes physically, sometimes not.
It is kind of odd that the Oxygen network would air a show portraying women in that light. It is a very entertaining show, but it would fit more in an MTV channel lineup. The girls are constantly acting ridiculous, and getting in unneccasary fights, most of the time because they are drunk. On the other hand it could be comforting to girls to see other girls much more ridiculous than them out there. Therefore they could appreciate the humor in how the girls are acting. But also girls watching the show that are easiler influanced go see these girls having fun and want to try it out. There are different ways different girls could interprut the show, either way its good entertainment.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bye, Bye, Tiger

I am writing this blog because I missed one earlier this semester, and it's sad to say that it may be an end of an era. The most ridiculous thing to me that the way he got caught cheating on his wife was his due to his tech inexperience. He apparantly left his mistress reading, according to US Weekly,

“Hey, it’s, uh, it’s Tiger. I need you to do me a huge favor. Um, can you please, uh, take your name off your phone. My wife went through my phone. And, uh, may be calling you. If you can, please take your name off that and, um, and what do you call it just have it as a number on the voice mail, just have it as your telephone number. That’s it, OK. You gotta do this for me. Huge. Quickly. All right. Bye.”

Like, come on, seriously?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fresh Start

After our discussion in class today, I've come to the conclusion that I really need to get it together. As I sat there listening to all these fascinating new things in media, I realized I had never heard of any of them. Granted, I'm not a huge news follower, unless you count celebrity gossip. Even after the discussion on google wave, I honestly just still don't get it. I'm not a huge fan of change, so all these new media happenings just aren't totally my thing. I like having my little cell phone which I am so used to and know how to use inside and out. I like the original facebook layout which I was so comfortable and familiar with, but then they had to go an change is 7 million times.

I have to admit, I am intriged my the iphone, but scared at the same time. I'm scared about a couple things: 1. I'm scared that if I get one, I will have no idea how to learn how to use it, and end up just looking so ridiclious and not doing it justice. And 2. that if I do get one, that it will quickly become outdated and something newer, better, and easier will come along and be all the rage. I realize this is always a risk in new media because of the new inventions and discoveries in technology.

Today I am turning over a new leaf in media I decided. As of today I want to promise myself that I will keep myself more in touch and up to date with what is going on in media. I will no longer have a baffeled look on my face when I hear about the latest invention. Instead, I will be able to join in and contribute to that conversation. And hopefully, I will do so with an iphone in my hand!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"On the phone with this fat chick... where my IHOP."

"On the phone with this fat chick... where my IHOP." Who would have thought that this sentence, or status update rather, would have changed someone's life.

This article, which I found on CNN.com, had one of the most compelling titles, that I just had to read it. It read, "Facebook status update provides alibi." To sum up the article, there was this Facebook status update one night, and about a minute later, across town, a robbery took place in New York City. That same guy who posted that status found out that the police were looking for him in connection to the robbery. Confident that he was innocent, he turned himself into police. However, he was picked out of a lineup and was going to be charged with the robbery. Turns out, that status update was enough proof of an alibi, and the charges were dropped. The DA contacted Facebook and confirmed that the update had come from the boys home, and that there was no way that he could have committed the robbery.

I'm sorry, but seriously? I know that Facebook has become a huge part of our lives, and has been able to change and update so many things, but to provide an alibi, who saw that coming?

Friday, November 6, 2009

I miss Rihanna and Chris Brown

I'm sorry but I am still sad about Rihanna and Chris Brown. I thought they were such a cute couple, before he went and beat her. I remember reading that and thinking, there is no way that it's true, and that he actually hit, and bite her. I didn't even know people still bite each other. I thought that was something that I did to my brother when I was like 4 years old. In her interview with Diane Sawyer, she still talks about Chris and says that she doesn't hate him. How can she say that, he beat her and then go back to him and say she still loves her. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33717847/ns/entertainment-celebrities/z

Image: Rihanna, Diane Sawyer

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New facebook..again?

As I logged on to Facebook this morning, I couldn't help but notice that the homepage had changed..yet again. Curious about these new features, I went to msnbc.com, and found this headline. 


It seems that Facebook has not added anything new to its homepage, but just tweaked, or moved somethings around. These new features include a "Live News Feed" in addition to the standard News Feed we have all grown accustomed to. The Live News Feed is just more recently updated information on what your friends are doing, saying, liking, etc. If you ask me, there isn't much of a difference. As with more technological things these days, facebook has made these changes in hopes of making it easier for users. 

It seems like everytime I get used to the new features Facebook has to offer, they come in and changed something..again.

Friday, October 16, 2009

After our discussion in class today about the Labor and New Media article, I started thinking about wealth the trade off of facebook being free, but still making money off of users. The ideas of wealth of user created content, and the online community as a product made me consider this: what if facebook wasn't free. Imagine if it cost money to sign up and be a facebook user. Would it still be popular? Would it have grown into the giant empire it is today, if from the beginning, it wasn't free. All throughout class, and even throughout the day today, I wondered if people would really pay to socialize online. Facebook has been such a huge part of new media and captures the attention of so many diverse people. I can't even begin to think about how much time I spent on facebook, but would I still spend the same amount of time on there if I had to pay to be a constant user. I encourage you to think about the same thing, and to let me know your thoughts.

Friday, October 9, 2009

So after our discussion in class today, I started thinking about my facebook, and what it says about me. When I came home I immeditly signed on and started to check if I had participated in any of those quizzes or became fans of anything that would allow them to have access to my picture and page. The discussion we had about someone being able to take your picture and use it to represent or stand for something made me extremely nervous. I had no idea this was even a possibility. I already consider myself to be pretty careful on facebook but rejecting the unknown whether it be friends, causes, groups, etc, but after today I feel as if I need to start being even more careful.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

so i've been sitting on this site for a while trying to figure out what to say for my first blog and while thinking i have gone back and forth between at least 5 or 6 websites. this instantly reminded me of one of our class discussions on how people these days are so easily distracted while on the internet. currently i have my email, facebook, wiki search homework, and cua athletics page open and keep switching between all of them. so for lack of a better topic, i have resulted to talking about how i don't have much to talk about and my serious add issue.